What is an Energy Storage Shared Savings Agreement?

Peak Power Tesla Battery

Reaching Economic and Environmental Objectives with Energy Storage Shared Savings In a landscape where energy markets are becoming more complex, and businesses grapple with balancing financial and environmental interests, energy storage is becoming more attractive for industrial and manufacturing facilities where manual load curtailment is becoming ineffective and harming operations and output.  For facilities like […]

Understanding C&I Building Energy Demand (and How to Cut Energy Costs)

An industrial man and woman engineers

In today’s world, building energy management and sustainability have become top priorities for facility managers, energy managers, process engineers, and sustainability managers.      To achieve cost and emission reductions, it’s crucial to gain a deep understanding of your facility’s energy demand curve and profile. By doing so, you can identify opportunities for cost savings and […]

The Advantages of Virtual Power Plants for Industrial Facilities

Virtual Power Plants

From growing populations to extreme heat waves, the current power system works overtime to meet ever-increasing energy demand. If we want to keep up, we need to look at new ways of building out energy infrastructure, including more intelligent use of energy resources. Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) are an alternative to relying on gas or […]

Webinar Recap: Battery Energy Storage Operations and Control

Peak Power Team Battery Storage System Operations

At Peak Power, we are passionate about deploying cutting-edge battery storage technology and driving the sustainable energy revolution. In this blog post, we summarize our battery energy storage operations webinar, exploring the operating and control methodologies that can help your business profitably pursue net zero.     Understanding the Operation and Control of Battery Energy […]

Driving Canada’s Energy Revolution: Powering Canada Forward

Canadian Energy Policy - Powering Canada Forward

In a meaningful step towards a sustainable future, Canada’s Energy and Natural Resources Minister, Jonathan Wilkinson, recently unveiled a plan named “Powering Canada Forward.” This comprehensive strategy charts a course for achieving a net zero electricity grid throughout Canada by 2035 — a pivotal element for our country to achieve a fully net zero economy […]

A How-To on Battery Energy Storage Project Development

Battery energy storage project development downtown Toronto

The transition to a clean and sustainable energy future is a pressing concern in today’s world. One solution to reach that sustainable energy future is deploying, operating, and optimizing distributed energy resources, like battery storage and electric vehicles. This was the focus of Peak Power’s Battery Development webinar, where industry experts shared their insights and […]

Financing Options and Strategies for Battery Energy Storage Systems

financing energy storage systems

Recently, Peak Power conducted an energy storage finance webinar that focused on strategies available for financing battery storage system projects. The webinar aimed to provide valuable insights into financing options and strategies for these projects.   In this article, we will unpack some of the main points covered during the webinar, highlighting key quotes and […]

World Meteorological Day: An Interview with our Senior Meteorologist

World Meteorological Day John M Peak Power

Each year on March 23rd, World Meteorological Day takes place to commemorate the Convention establishing the World Meteorological Organization, which happened in 1950. World Meteorological Day recognizes the contribution of meteorology and hydrology to the safety and development of society.   This year’s theme, The Future of Weather, Climate, and Water Across Generations, is a […]