Coincident Peak Notifications

Coincident Peak Notifications with GridPredict

Actionable insights to for proactive energy management

C&I businesses are disproportionately impacted by high energy costs, with peak demand charges significantly eroding their bottom line. These Coincident peak events can account for 30-60% of electricity costs for facilities. This challenge is particularly acute in regions with demand-based pricing structures—such as Massachusetts, California, New York, New Jersey, and Ontario—and for facilities with variable load patterns or seasonal energy usage that align with grid peak periods. 

A facility can manage these expenses by reducing demand during peak hours. However, the challenge for many facility and energy managers is identifying the exact hour to curtail loads or dispatch a distributed energy resource like energy storage or a generator.  

GridPredict, our Coincident Peak notifications services takes the guesswork out of forecasting grid peak events. Our proprietary software processes over one billion data points daily, and our team of energy experts continuously monitor and adjust to supplement these software predictions.

Access the very same technology we rely on to operate and optimize our own battery systems. 

Enhance Your Energy Curtailment Strategy

Grid coincident peak event alerts are sent out the day before, the morning of, and 4 hours in advance with varying degrees of likelihood of an event for a 4-hour window. This gives you the time and confidence required to act on a curtailment strategy and realize savings.

Peak Power Team
Peak Power battery

Seamless Integration into Your Workflow

There’s no dashboard to monitor. You receive alerts through email or SMS with a text description of the coincident peak event. Optionally, customers can choose to receive JSON emails to support automated controls or receive alerts directly to your remote operating centre.

97.1% Forecasting Accuracy*

Peak Power has an industry-leading track record of predicting grid events in IESO, NY-ISO, PJM, and ISO-NE.

Our forecasting team is comprised of energy and weather experts who analyze real-time and historical weather patterns, grid data, and solar capacity.

*Adjusted coincident peak forecasting accuracy 2017-2023. Based on analysis and validation by an independent third party. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. 

young businessman

Better Information. Better Decisions.

Actionable Alerts

Receive the notifications you need in the format that works best for you.

No Dashboard

There’s nothing to log into and check. The information comes to you.

Start Any Time

Your team begins receiving notifications after our quick onboarding process.

Coincident peak notifications battery

Energy markets are complex. We help make them simple.

Contact us for a no-pressure discovery call to see how you can enhance your energy management strategy. 


BGIS views Peak Power and its proprietary software as a leader in the emerging energy storage market and is impressed at its understanding of the needs and requirements of the North American electricity sector

Making it Profitable to Pursue Net Zero

Peak Power is empowering businesses across industries to drive the clean energy transition. With best-in-class peak forecasting and market intelligence, we are translating and maximizing the value of distributed energy resources

Operating in:

Energy markets are complex. We make them simple.

Contact us for a no-obligation discovery call to see how we can optimize your energy management strategy.