Battery storage costs vary greatly by project and region, and the development costs alone can be in the millions. And, if you are self-financing, there are recurring costs for operation software, maintenance, and ongoing labour.
Peak Power is a truly end-to-end solution. We manage the development financing and all costs associated with operations and maintenance, giving you a zero CAPEX, zero OPEX solution.
Peak Power makes money based on a split of the savings and revenue. Battery storage can generate upwards of $70,000/MW annually on savings and market revenue. We operate all our energy storage projects as a partnership, with a shared savings agreement established at the outset.
Our industry-leading partnerships provide our customers with a source of capital to develop battery projects without incurring capital expenditures.
We work with companies like Madison Energy Investments, which fund clean energy projects across the USA and Canada.
Peak Power’s shared savings model incentivizes our performance. Because we receive a share of the savings and revenue a battery generates we have a vested interest in providing the most accurate pro-forma and optimizing the performance through the lifetime of a project term.
It’s why we have an independently verified track record of meeting and exceeding our financial forecasts.
With third-party ownership of a battery energy storage system, your facility is avoiding upfront development costs and recurring operating expenses to operate and maintain the battery.
Save energy, generate revenue, and tap into lucrative incentives without bearing development and market risk.
We are moving into an increasingly electrified and AI-enabled future. We help you realize the benefits of both.
Energy storage positions your facility to profit from the energy transition and support sustainability.
Battery energy storage systems can slash your electricity bills without disrupting daily operations or adding to your workload. Use the savings to finally tackle deferred maintenance projects and keep your facility running smoothly.
“BGIS views Peak Power and its proprietary software as a leader in the emerging energy storage market and is impressed at its understanding of the needs and requirements of the North American electricity sector”
End-to-end battery storage development and energy optimization solutions powered by industry-leading peak forecasting and market intelligence. We help large energy users across North America reduce electricity costs, unlock new revenue streams, and pursue sustainability goals.
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