4 Factors that Make Behind-the-Meter Battery Storage Financeable

Financing behind-the-meter (demand-side) battery projects has always been challenging for commercial and industrial customers. Here are 4 factors that make it possible.
What every industrial facility manager needs to know about peak shaving and load shifting

Two strategies industrial facilities can use to reduce high electricity demand charges.
Inside job: How AI can help reduce emissions in buildings

Canadian tools that optimize electricity consumption are helping building operators drive down energy costs and shrink their carbon footprint.
Why solar and wind power are key to preventing Toronto’s next storm-related blackout

Decentralization and resilience are the key words to building a power grid that can withstand sudden weather disasters like the Toronto rainstorm.
Katherine Hamilton Joins Peak Power Board, Bringing Extensive Clean Energy Expertise

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Katherine Hamilton to the Board of Directors at Peak Power. Katherine’s extensive knowledge and leadership in policy and the regulatory landscape in the US will be invaluable as we continue to expand. Additionally, her appointment to the board aligns with our commitment to the 50-30 Challenge, promoting gender parity in leadership teams and boards within Canadian companies.
SWTCH and Peak Power Partner to Optimize EV Charging and Energy Costs at Buildings Across North America

SWTCH and Peak Power have integrated their industry-leading software solutions for optimizing EV charging usage and are collaborating to expand on their successful deployments at multi-tenant buildings
Battery Energy Storage System ROI: 3 factors for profitability

Battery energy storage systems are a great way for manufacturing facilities to reduce costs and even generate additional revenue. However, these projects come at a high cost and have a lengthy and involved deployment process. Fortunately, there are strategies to protect the return on investment of these projects at every stage.
Peak Power Launches $1,000 Bursary for Underrepresented Students in STEM and Cleantech Programs

Peak Power has introduced a $1,000 Future Cleantech Leaders bursary to help students from diverse backgrounds studying STEM and Cleantech subjects in Ontario.
Hypercharge to Provide 58 EV Charging Stations to Condominium Development in Cambridge, Ontario

Funding for the project was sourced with the assistance of Peak Power, a cleantech company that deploys, operates and optimizes battery storage, grid-interactive buildings, and electric vehicles under a single software platform.
Matthew Sachs Of Peak Power On How They Are Breaking the Cycle of Non-Renewable Consumption

Keep it simple. The energy industry is extremely complicated, and we can get so “into our own story” that we miss the forest for the trees.