
Where we work: California

Unlock California Battery Storage Incentives

Peak Power partners with large energy users to slash energy demand charges and help them become active energy market participants to unlock California Battery Storage Incentives. Our proprietary forecasting technology achieves an industry-leading 90%+ accuracy in predicting grid events, maximizing your financial benefits. Through strategic deployment of battery energy storage systems and optimized curtailment strategies, we deliver exceptional results—generating an average value of $160,000 per megawatt.

Profit from the Clean Energy Transition

The California government is passing some of the most aggressive climate and energy legislation in the world. It is bringing forward lucrative battery storage incentives as the state recognizes batteries as a major technology to power the shift to clean energy.

Facilities operating in California can tap into a host of demand response and other grid services programs that generate great savings and revenue. Proxy Demand Response allows companies to sell their electricity savings directly to CAISO’s wholesale market without going through an intermediary. Proxy Demand Resource – Load Shift Resource (PDR-LSR) allows storage resources to bid decreases and increases in load.

Most distributed energy resources in California, including behind-the-meter energy storage, provide grid services through Investor-Owned Utilities or Community Choice Aggregators. There are standardized programs across territories (Base Interruptible Program, Capacity Bidding Program, and the Emergency Load Reduction Program) and unique offerings from each utility.

Demand response encompasses reductions, increases, or shifts in electricity consumption in response to economic or grid reliability signals. The challenge for energy and facility managers is identifying the exact time to reduce energy or dispatch a distributed energy resource like battery storage. That’s where Peak Power’s forecasting abilities come in. We take the guesswork out of manual curtailment with our GridPredict notifications. For a fully automated solution that earns even bigger savings, we provide a no-cost, end-to-end battery energy storage solution.

Download the California Energy Incentives Guide

There’s a vast network of financial incentives to power the shift to Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), but these incentives can be hard to navigate and complex to understand.

With the right strategies, commercial and industrial players can unlock profitability, tap into multiple value streams and incentives, and make progress toward net zero. 

Download this California Energy Incentives Guide to learn about the financial benefits that could be available to your business. 

California Battery Storage Incentives

Battery Innovation in California

This innovative energy storage system is believed to be the first project of its kind to operate under FERC Order 841 and the CPUC’s decision on multi-use applications.

The battery is located behind the manufacturing site’s retail meter with San Diego & Gas Electric so it can provide energy services for the facility like demand charge management and time-of-day rate shifting. It’s also equipped with a CAISO meter and RIG so it can be an energy resource for the California grid. 

This through-the-meter application of battery storage enables it to operate as a behind-the-meter or a front-of-the-meter resource. 


Kearny Mesa, California



Energy cost savings:


Capacity size:

1000 kW / 4000 kWh


Battery Innovation in California

This innovative energy storage system is believed to be the first project of its kind to operate under FERC Order 841 and the CPUC’s decision on multi-use applications.

The battery is located behind the manufacturing site’s retail meter with San Diego & Gas Electric so it can provide energy services for the facility like demand charge management and time-of-day rate shifting. It’s also equipped with a CAISO meter and RIG so it can be an energy resource for the California grid. 

This through-the-meter application of battery storage enables it to operate as a behind-the-meter or a front-of-the-meter resource. 


Kearny Mesa, California



Energy cost savings:



Battery Innovation in California


Kearny Mesa, California



Energy cost savings:


Emissions avoided:

6,048 tCO2e

This innovative energy storage system is believed to be the first project of its kind to operate under FERC Order 841 and the CPUC’s decision on multi-use applications.

The battery is located behind the manufacturing site’s retail meter with San Diego & Gas Electric so it can provide energy services for the facility like demand charge management and time-of-day rate shifting. It’s also equipped with a CAISO meter and RIG so it can be an energy resource for the California grid.

This through-the-meter application of battery storage enables it to operate as a behind-the-meter or a front-of-the-meter resource.

Profit from the Energy Transition

Contact us to see how you can unlock the value of distributed energy.