Peak Power works with Class A facilities to help reduce Global Adjustment costs and scope 2 emissions. Our customers receive the benefit of our industry-leading 97% accuracy in forecasting grid events. Whether it’s through battery energy storage systems or manual curtailment, we’ve been able to deliver $160K per megawatt in average annual customer value.
The Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) applies charges to large business customers for their consumption during electricity demand spikes. These are called Global Adjustment charges and are based on your energy use during the 5 hours of the previous year with the most intensive energy demand (peak demand).
A low-emissions grid with hydro and nuclear power makes up a majority of the energy we use throughout the year. This has a direct correlation to Scope 2 emissions. When electricity demand spikes, like during the hottest days of summer, the IESO calls on higher-emitting generation sources like coal and natural gas plants to match supply with demand.
Global Adjustment costs are meant to provide an incentive to large commercial and industrial buildings to reduce their electric loads during these periods of peak demand.
The challenge for energy and facility managers is identifying the exact time to reduce energy or dispatch a distributed energy resource like battery storage. That’s where Peak Power’s forecasting abilities come in. We take the guesswork out of manual curtailment with our GridPredict notifications. For a fully automated solution that earns even bigger savings, we provide a no-cost, end-to-end battery energy storage solution.
There’s a vast network of financial incentives to power the shift to Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), but these incentives can be hard to navigate and complex to understand.
With the right strategies, commercial and industrial players can unlock profitability, tap into multiple value streams and incentives, and make progress toward net zero.
Download this Ontario Energy Incentives Guide so you can get a scan of the financial benefits that could be available to your business.
Starlight’s building is connected to the Islington Subway station (part of the Toronto Transit Commission public transit network). This state-of-the-art Class A office building hosts tenants like the Ministry of Education and Moneris.
The building owners looked for solutions to reduce demand charges (Global Adjustment) and turned to Peak Power for guidance. We installed a 500 KW system to help slash demand charges by 25%.
Toronto, Ontario
Starlight Investments
Toronto, Ontario
Lactalis Canada
Lactalis Canada trust Peak Power with reducing energy costs at their dairy processing plants in Ontario. With three sites live so far, the batteries reduce energy costs through peak shaving and demand response, with a focus on reducing Global Adjustment charges.
214 King St W #308,
Toronto, ON
M5H 3S6
Take control of your global adjustment costs and learn about our zero capex battery storage development solution or energy optimization services.
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