Corporate, industrial, and academic campuses have specialized needs. Buildings have different energy usage patterns and needs, depending on the amenities provided. There could be offices, a swimming pool, or an aerodynamic wind tunnel for testing prototypes. We help campuses of mid-to-large-scale buildings deploy commercial battery storage to drive competitiveness, mitigate emissions, and improve financial performance.
Industrial energy management–easy to say, hard to implement. There are regulatory hurdles to overcome, energy costs to manage, process changes to account for, and growing risks in grid reliability. You can’t simply curtail electricity load by turning off equipment–you have production quotas to consider, widgets to get off the production line, and delivery deadlines to meet.
Electricity is a major operational cost for warehouses and distribution centres, with much of it focused on climate control. And for cold storage facilities, the costs are much higher as refrigeration equipment can consume up to 70% of the total electricity. It’s no wonder that the vast majority of logistics companies have sustainability and energy efficiency targets.
We collaborate with leading companies to unlock the full potential of distributed energy resources, translating the value of energy resources for diverse stakeholders and industries to advance the clean energy transition.
“BGIS views Peak Power and its proprietary software as a leader in the emerging energy
storage market and is impressed at its understanding of the needs and requirements of the North American electricity sector.”
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