Solutions: Software and Operations

Operation and Software Solutions

Optimize energy storage management with Peak Synergy

We know your business is facing big challenges: pursue net zero while maximizing the bottom line. 

Peak Power’s energy storage management and optimization software, Peak Synergy, unlocks the full potential of your assets. Battery storage systems, electric vehicle integration, and grid-interactive buildings can be co-optimized to pursue environmental goals and financial targets.

And it works. Since 2015, we have delivered over $5 million in value to our customers. Our software has been deployed in 89 sites across North America, helping to create a more resilient, future-proofed grid. 

Modern container battery

Energy Storage Optimization

A battery that is charged and discharged strategically can help you curb your Scope 2 emissions and reduce your electricity costs. 

Our proprietary operation strategy dynamically taps into the most lucrative energy incentives, programs, and value streams.

Female engineer is checking

Building Energy Management

Peak Synergy is an easy-to-use web-based software for grid peak event forecasting and notifications.

Building and battery operators can instantly access data specific to their geographic area and their building, all without hardware or upfront capital costs.

Energy lecture screen

Virtual Power Plants

Virtual Power Plants are the future of how electricity will be delivered in large urban centres.  Technology is going to replace the need for massive transmission line projects from dirty, centralized power plants.

As AI continues to advance, so to will the potential of virtual power plants and digital operations. 

Charging an electric car battery

Vehicle-to-Grid and Smart Charging

Electric vehicles are not just the future of transportation – they’re a better way to store and move energy.  

We offer smart charging (V1G) capabilities to provide benefits now.  And we’re innovating to build out the models of V2G to use EVs as mobile battery assets.

Industry-Leading Partners

Our partnerships enable our customers to tap into rapidly growing use cases for battery energy storage systems. Together, we’re powering the clean energy revolution. 

Industry-Leading Partners

Our partnerships are enabling our customers to tap into the opportunities of rapidly growing use cases for battery energy storage systems


Innovation with Through-the-Meter Energy Storage

This innovative energy storage system is one of the first projects of its kind to operate under FERC Order 841 and the CPUC’s decision on multi-use applications. 

This unique application of battery storage enables operation as a behind-the-meter or a front-of-the-meter resource. We’re calling this through-the-meter. 



San Diego, California



Energy cost savings:

$394,105 cumulative

Capacity size:

1000 kW / 4000 kWh


Innovation with Through-the-Meter Energy Storage


San Diego, California



Energy cost savings:

$394,105 cumulative

Capacity size:

1000 kW / 4000 kWh

This innovative energy storage system is one of the first projects of its kind to operate under FERC Order 841 and the CPUC’s decision on multi-use applications.

This unique application of battery storage enables operation as a behind-the-meter or a front-of-the-meter resource. We’re calling this through-the-meter.

We’re Enabling the Decentralized Energy Revolution

Together we’re enabling distributed energy resources (DERs), including battery energy storage systems (BESS), in the built environment to tackle climate change and the rising costs of energy.


“We have been extremely impressed with Peak Power’s capabilities and the simplicity of the overall process. We are very excited to be one of the early adopters of energy storage in New York”

Energy markets are complex. We’ll help make them manageable.

Let’s Work Together

Contact us to book your free virtual site assessment to determine if distributed energy resources could contribute to your financial and environmental goals.