

Cleantech investment for the future of our planet

We’re in the midst of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity as the world shifts towards electrification and decarbonization. But to achieve these goals in tandem, we need to fundamentally change the way electricity is generated and distributed.

Fortunately, the displacement of emissions-based power is accelerating due to the proliferation of flexible, decentralized, and clean distributed energy resources (DERs). Guidehouse forecasts the total addressable market for DERs will be $120B annually by 2030, with a CAGR of >30%.

In 2023, Peak Power raised $35 Million USD in a Series A investment round from Greenbacker Capital Management LLC, to accelerate the deployment of energy storage and software solutions into the US. Prior investors include Osmington Inc., BDC Capital, Export Development Canada, Hatch, Sensata Technologies, and The Atmospheric Fund.  

Peak Power is a cleantech software company working to make big, dirty power plants a thing of the past


Our Purpose

To make dirty power plants obsolete.

We see the future of electricity reflected in the advent of the sharing economy – a more decentralized economy powered by, and to the benefit of, consumers.

We’re working to do for electricity, what AirBnB did for accommodation or what Uber did for transportation.

Our Difference​

Peak Power is uniquely positioned as a leading software platform in aggregating synthetic, stationary, and mobile battery assets under one hardware-agnostic software platform. We turn buildings, batteries, and electric vehicles into energy resources, offsetting the need for costly, fossil-fuel-based generation.

We’re continually building an aggressive IP moat, with patents approved in North America and Japan.


“Having lived through both the wind and solar booms, I see the same market signs of massive explosion for storage and other emerging distributed energy resources.”

–Derek Lim Soo

CEO, Peak Power

Our Investment Partners

Our investment partners are pursuing their cleantech investment goals with Peak Power. Together we hold a shared belief that doing good is good for business.

Canada's Most Investable Cleantech Companies

Big challenges need big solutions—and Peak Power is proud to be recognized for the work we’re doing.
Foresight 50 Logo Full Colour

We were honoured to be named one of Canada’s 50 most investable companies on the 2021 Foresight 50 list. Foresight brings together innovators, industry, investors, government, and academia to address today’s most urgent climate issues and support a global transition to a green economy. An independent panel of judges selects the 50 companies based on criteria including investability, potential environmental and employment impact, and probability of success. 

Our Project Capabilities

We’ve led some of the first projects proving the market benefits of a decentralized, digitalized, decarbonized, and distributed energy system. And we’ve translated innovation funding and project development into commercially scalable solutions.

Commercial Projects

We’ve grown to serve over 30 clients with tech deployed in more than 90 facilities across our operating regions in Ontario, New York, Massachusetts, and California.

Innovation Projects

We’re proud to have launched some the world’s first distributed energy resource aggregation projects, demonstrating the power of virtual power plants and smart grids.

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Join the Cleantech Investment Boom

We welcome discussions from investment funds, private investors, and organizations looking to tap into the potential of the decentralized energy revolution.