Software Solutions: Building Energy Management

Building Energy Management

Actionable insights and alerts to meet your energy cost reduction goals

Commercial buildings and industrial facilities across North America are looking for building energy management solutions to reduce electricity costs and Scope 2 emissions. 

Our Peak Synergy software does just that.

Coincident peak events can make up anywhere between 30-60% of electricity costs for C&I facilities, and those same peak events are when the dirtiest sources of electricity generation come online.

Peak Synergy combines grid data, meteorological data, and proprietary algorithms to forecast and alert users of coincident peak events. All accessible in an easy-to-use dashboard.

Proactively Manage Building Energy

Peak shaving is one of the core ways for large energy consumers to reduce their electricity demand charges and avoid using dirty grid resources. 

Our software provides real-time and historical access to grid-level data, along with coincident peak event forecasting, so you know when to execute strategies to shave load during demand events.

Peak Power Team
Peak Power battery

Reduce Scope 2 Emissions

Demand spikes increase the need for dirtier, more expensive generation like natural gas. Those spikes directly correlate to Scope 2 emissions and demand charges. 

Peak Synergy forecasting combines grid data, meteorological data, and probabilities to notify of coincident peak events — which means you’ll help keep that coal or gas plant offline and avoid emissions in the process. 

Alerts You Need, When You Need Them

We know our customers are busy. There isn’t a lot of time or resources to have someone keep their eyes on a dashboard 24/7. 

With Peak Synergy, implementing a building energy management solution just got simpler. We set up day-ahead and day-of notifications via email and text so you know within a 4-hour window when to expect a grid event.

young businessman

Better Information. Better Decisions.

Data Insights

Real-time and historical grid and facility data.

Performance Accuracy

95% accuracy for hitting peaks with minimal operational impact.

Ease of Deployment

Quick and easy to implement without any capital outlay.

Reduce Energy Costs and Scope 2 Emissions with Peak Synergy

The Word from Our Customers


“BGIS views Peak Power and its proprietary software as a leader in the emerging energy storage market and is impressed at its understanding of the needs and requirements of the North American electricity sector.”

Take Part in the Decentralized Energy Revolution

Together we’re enabling distributed energy resources in the built environment to tackle climate change and the rising costs of energy.

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